KPAC cic has the Social Enterprise Mark

KPAC Community Interest Company
The Old Schoolhouse
St. John’s Road, Huyton, Knowsley. L36 0UX
0151 481 0047

Training in the Community
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What is the matrix Standard?

The matrix Standard is the government quality Standard for any organisation that supports individuals, enabling them to make informed choices about their future.

The Standard was launched in February 2002 in direct response to the need for a national quality standard for any organisation that delivers information, advice and guidance  on learning and work.

The assessment process is outcome based and rather than focusing on paper based evidence, the matrix Standard uses a number of evidence sources such as interviews with clients and delivery staff, observation and review of policies, amongst other things.

Matrix KPAC




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KPAC Two Ticks
Matrix KPAC

Community Interest Company 7221148